
Our research group is devoted to studying the growth and properties of oxide thin films. Oxides, the most abundant materials, would exhibit novel electronic properties like metal-insulator transitions, magnetoresistance, and high Tc superconductivity, etc. The rapid progress in this area during the last twenty years enables us to design and synthesize theses materials by using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) techniques for high-crystalline epitaxial film growths. More recently our work is focused on studying the resistive switching of oxide thin films for application in non-volatile memory.
Topics at our lab:
Target synthesis by using standard solid-state reaction
Chemical and structural analysis
Thin-film growth by using Pulsed Laser Deposition
Structure, surface morphology study
Transport study
Magnetization study
Understanding the physics
A suggestion of future memory device for a memory having low energy consumption
Ferromagnetic Oxide; SrRuO3
Ferroelectric Oxide and tunable device; (Ba,Sr)TiO3
Resistance Switching Oxide; SrCoOx, SrFeOx, NiOx
Major Funding:
New functionality of perovskite oxide thin film (2013R1A2A2A01067415)
2013.12.01- 2016.11.30 (303,000,000 KRW).
National Research Foundation, South Korea
Researches on memory device based on layer structured oxide (2016R1A2B4015911)
2016.06.01- 2019.05.31 (290,000,000 KRW)
National Research Foundation, South Korea
Microscopic Switching Mechanism and Application Study of ReRAM based on oxides having brownmillerite structure (2020R1A2C2006187)
2020.03.01- 2025.02.28 (800,000,000 KRW).
National Research Foundation, South Korea (Middle Career Research, type 1-2,)